Monday, June 4, 2007

Law now makes it illegal to make money off dead soldiers

Mary Jo PitzlThe Arizona RepublicMay. 24, 2007 05:43 PM
It is now illegal in Arizona to use the name or likeness of a dead soldier in any commercial application.Those are the terms of a bill that Gov. Janet Napolitano signed into law today. Senate Bill 1014 was nicknamed the "dead soldier" bill and was inspired in part by a Flagstaff t-shirt maker who displays the names of the war dead as the background for a shirt that says "Bush Lied, They Died."The names, although in tiny type, offended some family members of the dead, who have started campaigns nationwide to ban unauthorized use of a fallen soldier's name. Bans already exist in Oklahoma and Louisiana. It is punishable by a Class 1 misdemeanor, which can carry up to a $2,500 fine or six months in jail.
It's time to make money NOW!

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